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Selectmen's Minutes 5/17/2004
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, May 17, 2004 at 7:30 p.m.

Present: David L. Walsh, Clerk; James M. Hardy
        George Samia, Town Administrator
        Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
        Robert Kerwin, Town Counsel

Not Present: Eric W. Greene, Chairman

Mr. Walsh announced that Mr. Greene was out of ICU and that if anyone wished to send him get well cards that they can be sent to the Selectmen’s Office and they will be forwarded to Mr. Greene.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to appoint David L. Walsh Chairman pro-tem.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to appoint James M. Hardy, Clerk pro-tem.

Public Hearing

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to open Public Hearing at 7:35 p.m.

Mr. Hardy read the following:

RE: Route 106 Motors
      569 West Street

The Board of Selectmen is in receipt of the application for a transfer of the Class II – Used Car Dealers License at the above referenced property.
A Public Hearing has been set for Monday May 17, 2004 at 7:35 p.m. in the Town Hall, Main Conference Room, 175 Central Street.

Present: Joseph Savino, applicant
         Jerome Cohen, Licensee of Route 106 Motors

Mr. Cohen explained that he is in the process of selling his business to Mr. Savino, but wished to be sure that the license would be transferred prior to finalizing the sale.

Mr. Savino stated that he was aware of the restrictions on the existing license and was not looking to change anything.

It was noted that the existing plot plan showing sales area, office, etc. was attached to the new license application.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to close the Public Hearing.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the transfer of the Class II – Used Car Dealers License from Jerome A Cohen dba Route 106 Motors to Joseph Savino dba Route 106 Motors, 569 West Street.

It was noted that once the sale of the business was completed that the existing license will be turned in and the new license issued.

Board of Selectmen                              -2-                             May 17, 2004

Open Forum
Margaret Alexander, 17 Strong Avenue, stated that she would like to make a suggestion relative to Town Meetings. Noted that at last week’s Special and Annual Town Meetings the use of cell phones within the auditorium was very annoying. Suggested that Town Meetings be declared cell phone free. Also noted that when the various zoning articles were being discussed, it was hard to seen the projection screen from areas of the auditorium. Questioned whether the diagram of the property could be made part of the handout at the bottom of the article.

Mr. Alexander noted that she has believes she has not missed at town meeting in 55 years.

Board thanked Mrs. Alexander for her suggestions and stated that they would pass them along to the Moderator.

Mr. Samia noted that due to actions by someone outside the building, the Board may need to look at having a Police patrol in the parking lot so that no future meeting has vandalism.

Mr. Hardy stated that it was a shame that someone felt it necessary to take illegal actions.

Mr. Walsh thanked the residents who stayed for the whole town meeting and noted that the town meeting had been blemished by the escapade in the parking lot.

Open Forum was recessed at this time.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the May 3, 2004 meeting.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, move to approve the request of Support Our Troops to put up a sign approximately 3x3  the Common to advertise the 5K road race and fun walk on June 13, 2004, to raise awareness and money for our E.B. troops.

Mr. Hardy noted that they have been informed by John Haines, Dept. of Public Land Management that part of the Town Common Restoration Grant was that no signage could be placed on the Common.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, move to amend the motion that the sign be placed on the triangle between Plymouth and Central or in front of Town Hall.
VOTE: Yes – Walsh, Hardy; a unanimous vote in favor of the motion as amended.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, move to approve the award of contracts to the bidders for which the Town has solicited bids as listed in the FY05 SERSG DPW supplies IFB.

Mr. Samia explained the process for DPW bids, noting that Mr. Haines had prepared a list of items that he would need for the upcoming year and then these became part of the bid package.

VOTE: Yes – Walsh, Hardy; a unanimous vote in favor.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Susan Merritt, Chairperson of the E.B. Cultural Council to post signage from May 30 to June 13 at the following designated town owned properties:
Elmwood park on corner of West & Bedford Street (routes 106/18)
Island at split on Plymouth Street at Town common in front of East Bridgewater High School.
Island at split of Central and Pleasant Streets
Island at end of Whitman Street in front of old Carver Cotton Gin
Sachem Rock Farm driveway entrance
Board of Selectmen                              -3-                             May 17, 2004

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Margaret Alexander of the First Parish Unitarian Church for use of Sachem Rock Farm for a religious service on June 20, 2004.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Charles Muise of EBYBA for use of the John L. Silva Athletic Complex from June 19 – August 7, 2004 for a High School Boys Summer Basketball League on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Pastor Michael S. Smith of the Life Quest Community Church for use of the Town Common for a Community Family Fun Fair on August 14, 2004 from 12 noon – 4:00 p.m.; rain date August 21, 2004.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of the East Bridgewater Commercial Club for the following additional coin-operated machines:
        1 pinball
        1 video cherry poker
        4 video poker

Public Hearing

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to open Public Hearing.

Mr. Hardy read the following notice:

Re: Baron’s Collectibles
     355 Bedford Street

The Board of Selectmen is in receipt of your application for a License to Sell Second Hand Articles at the above referenced property.

A Public Hearing has been set for Monday, May 17, 2004 at 7:50 p.m. in the Town Hall, Main Conference Room, 175 Central Street.

Present: Andrew Driscoll, applicant

It was noted that a letter was received from Susan Hartman dba Hartman House Antiques stating that she was planning to move her business back to its original address at 344 Bedford Street and that she was renting the property at 355 Bedford Street to Andrew Driscoll.

Mr. Driscoll explained that he would be selling collectibles at the property.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to close Public Hearing.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve a License to Sell Second Hand Articles to Andrew Driscoll dba Baron’s Collectibles, 355 Bedford Street and the change of address for Susan Hartman dba Hartman House Antiques to 344 Bedford Street.

Open Forum
Open Forum was reopened and as no was else was present for this, Open forum was closed.

Letters to members of committees/boards up for reappointment have been sent out. A list of openings will be made available shortly.
Memorial Day; Mr. Hardy will fill in for Mr. Greene, if he is unable to be present.
Board of Selectmen                              -4-                             May 17, 2004

Town Administrator
Economic Development Committee – have received letters of interest from two; looking for additional three to make up a committee of five; Mr. Walsh stated that he would be interested in being on the committee; Mr. Samia requested letters of interest be sent to him.

Board Discussion
        Agenda – Mr. Hardy requested that agendas be sent to cable; Mrs. Aicardi explained that
the agenda is placed on the calendar of events; viewer can click on meeting date and agenda will can then be viewed.

Public Notices – would like them to also be placed on the cable

Curbside trash/Recycling Update – Request John Haines to come to either May 24 or June 1 meeting to give Board an update on the program.

Mr. Hardy noted that he would be out of sate next week and meeting will have to be canceled if Mr. Greene will not be available.

Government Study Recommendations: Mr. Walsh requested Town Counsel to put together information as to how the Board should proceed with instituting a DPW; also per the recommendations, recall and job descriptions. Job Descriptions would include all positions under the management of the Board of Selectmen. Also need to set up an evaluation form for these positions.

It was noted that the job description for Town Administrator and COA Director have been updated; next position should be the Police Chief; also positions of Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Veterans’ Agent, Treasurer/Collector, Accountant, Administrative Assessor.

Atty. Kerwin also suggested that these job descriptions should state whom the position reports to and who negotiates the contract.

Mr. Walsh requested that the Sewerage Study Committee be placed on an upcoming Agenda for an update to the Selectmen. Suggested that Wayne Perry be contacted for a mutually agreeable date.

M/Hardy, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn Selectmen’s meeting at 8:10 p.m.